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Chief’s Community Action Group

The Chief’s Community Action Group (CCAG) was established in 2022 and brings together representatives with the shared mission of a safe, healthy Saint John from across a broad spectrum to proactively address the significant issues faced in the city such as homelessness, substance use, mental health, youth poverty and discharge planning. 

“These issues and challenges affect our entire community in a very real way. Our individual agencies do an outstanding job dealing with the complexities of these specific issues, with limited resources and infrastructure.

We feel, as group, that because all these issues intersect at some point, we need to look at a more coordinated, integrated, collaborative way of addressing them if we are going to make a substantial and sustainable difference in our community.

I cannot think of a more dedicated group to engage in shifting the paradigm on how we address these important social issues.” Chief R.M. Bruce 

The CCAG has created six subcommittees: Homelessness, Substance Use, Youth Issues, Mental Health, Quick Reaction Teams, and Discharge Planning. These subcommittees are led by on-the-ground practitioners with diverse representation from a cross section of agencies, including municipal and provincial government.
