When looking for public information, the Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RTIPPA) is intended to be used as a last resort. In most cases, information you are looking for can be obtained by contacting the appropriate public body or by checking out their website, where many reports and other materials are made available. If you are still unable to get the information you are looking for, you can make a request under the provisions of RTIPPA.
RTIPPA provides an individual with the right to access information under the custody and control of a local government body, including one’s own personal information. There are certain limitations that shall exclude records from being accessible: the records may be exempt, confidentiality provisions may apply or the request may be considered frivolous or vexatious.
RTIPPA does not replace existing procedures for accessing any information that is normally available to the public. Also, if a certain type of documentation is already available for a fee, such as a birth certificate or a driver abstract, the documents cannot be accessed under RTIPPA. You must follow the regular processes for obtaining these types of records.
The Saint John Police Force is required to respond to your request within 30 business days of receiving it. If your request is complex, it may take longer, but you will be informed of this within the 30 business days.
Individuals wishing to access police force files / records should complete the following form.
If you wish to hand deliver the document, you can do so at:
1 Peel Plaza
Saint John, NB
Reception is open Monday through Friday 8:00am-4:30pm.