Aggressive Driving Campaign – August 21-25, 2023

The Saint John Police will be conducting an Aggressive Driving Campaign between August 21-25, 2023. Through education and enforcement, Traffic Management Officers will target moving offences that endanger other persons or property including, but not limited to speeding, tailgating, unsafe lane changes, disobeying traffic control devices, and driving without due care and attention.
According to Transport Canada, there was 1,768 motor vehicle fatalities in Canada in 2021. Of those, speeding was a contributing factor in 24.7% of cases.
Remember to:
- Follow the speed limit
- Be patient and minimize lane changes
- Use turn signals
- Allow other drivers to merge or change lanes
- Avoid distractions when driving
- Maintain adequate following distance
- Slow down for construction zones and comply with the posted signs
- Drivers convicted of moving offences are subject to fines and loss of demerit points
- Fines are doubled in construction zones
- Criminal Code driving offences can result in incarceration
Together a safe, secure, healthy community