Update #2: October 11, 2023, 9:20 a.m.
The Saint John Police would like to advise the public that the CUPE Local 486 labour disruption, which began September 12, 2023, has ended and Local 486 employees have returned to work now that an agreement has been reached.
Effective immediately, all Saint John Police services that were impacted by the labour disruption will be gradually restored to their normal schedules and levels of operation, including criminal record checks and fingerprints for employment and volunteer purposes.
The Saint John Police are working diligently to ensure a smooth transition back to normal operations, minimizing any inconvenience to the public. We would like to thank the public for their patience and understanding during the past month.
Update #1: September 21, 2023, 11:22 a.m.
The Saint John Police would like to advise the public that criminal record checks and fingerprints for employment and volunteer purposes, with the exception of Vulnerable Sector Screening, can now be done by scheduling an appointment with Canadian Corps of Commissionaires at 506-634-8000. Their office is situated at 160 Mark Drive in Saint John.
The Saint John Board of Police Commissioners employs a number of CUPE Local 486 civilian staff who provide important services to our organization as well as our community. Our CUPE Local 486 members include administrative staff and Public Safety Communications Center (PSCC) operators.
Due to a current CUPE Local 486 labour disruption, the Saint John Police wishes to advise the public that the following services will be impacted:
Non-emergency public access to the Saint John Police Headquarters lobby at 1 Peel Plaza will experience disruptions during business hours; however, 24/7 emergency access remains available. The front doors of Peel Plaza will remain locked and access will be controlled.
The following non-emergency public services will be temporarily suspended, effective immediately:
- criminal record checks and fingerprints for the public,
- requests and results for access to information (RTIPPA), and
- requests for accident reports for insurance purposes.
The public may experience longer than usual wait times accessing our non-emergency services, specifically there may be delays in accessing:
- non-emergency telephone call processing and email inquiries,
- information about court cases,
- lost, seized, or found property, and
- non-provincial victim services.
We appreciate your patience and understanding during the CUPE Local 486 labour disruption. It is important to note that this labour disruption does not include police officers who will continue to provide policing services and maintain public safety.
Citizens can be rest assured that there will be no interruption to emergency operations, including 911.