Fraud Alert – Extortion Emails

File: 24-7194

The Saint John Police are warning the public about an extortion email fraud occurring in our area.

How it works:

The extortion letters contain the full name, personal telephone number, personal residential address as well as a screenshot from search engines of the recipient’s residence. The extortion letter claims that the recipient has visited explicit websites and threatens to send a copy of a video to the recipient’s contact list unless payment via cryptocurrency is made. A variation of the letter may contain a QR code.

Like other extortion scams, fraudsters are attempting to scare victims into sending funds. Extortion scams are defined as “when someone unlawfully obtains money, property or services from a person, entity, or institution through coercion.”

Safety Recommendations:

-Do not scan QR Codes provided by an unknown source. They could infect your device.

-If you received a message threatening, report it to your local police immediately.

-Remember that fraudsters use high-pressure intimidation tactics to try to steal your money.

-Ensure that your social media profiles are at the highest privacy levels.

-Limit sharing personal details on social media.

-Should you believe any of your personal information has been compromised, you are
encouraged to contact Equifax and TransUnion to flag your accounts.

-Be suspicious of any unsolicited messages or social media requests including those that are
threatening or accuse you of owing money for a service you never used or planned to have.

-Do not send money under pressure.

-Do not reply to threatening messages.

-Learn more tips on how to protect yourself.

The best defence against this type of fraud is awareness and caution.
Together a safe, secure, healthy community.

For more news, visit News | Saint John Police Force