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Local Interpreter Awarded Saint John Police Command Leadership Coin


On Friday, March 8, 2024, Chief Robert M. Bruce awarded local Arabic Interpreter, Maryam Naser, with the Saint John Police Command Leadership Coin for her contributions to the Saint John Police and the local Arabic community.

Maryam Naser has been an Arabic interpreter for the Saint John Police since May of 2020. She has helped with over 60 incidents, many of which were after hours call outs. She has assisted officers with initial gathering of information for their reports, statement taking, victim and suspect interviews. She has sat with victims for hours at the hospital to ensure they are supported and to lessen potential language barriers.

She has remained neutral in her role as interpreter. She is professional and has gained a great deal of respect from the officers, court officials, and our justice partners. She is a supporter of her community, their safety, and transition into Canada.

Maryam has been a strong connection between the Saint John Police and local newcomers. It is important that police agencies work to decrease barriers such as language and culture that may influence potential victims from reporting a crime. Maryam has provided us with opportunities to foster bonds with members of the Arabic community in Saint John.

“Maryam will be leaving Saint John this year and on behalf of the Saint John Police and a grateful community, we would like to extend our most sincere appreciation for the leadership she has shown to the members of the Saint John Police and our citizens.” Chief Robert M. Bruce

Together a safe, secure, healthy community

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