Total Solar Eclipse April 8, 2024

The Saint John Police would like to advise the public to use caution while traveling during the upcoming solar eclipse. The partial eclipse will start on April 08, 2024, at 2:21 p.m. and end at 5:43 p.m., with the total eclipse occurring between 4:32 p.m. and 4:38 p.m.
If you are planning on viewing this extraordinary event, you are encouraged to:
Be Mindful of Traffic
During an eclipse, there may be an increase in traffic as people gather to view the event. Use caution while driving and be mindful of pedestrians on the roads. Avoid stopping along highway shoulders.
Leave Early
There could be an increase in traffic congestion on roads leading to potential viewing spots. By leaving early, you can avoid this rush and ensure you have enough time to reach your destination.
Follow Traffic Laws
Obey traffic laws and drive safely. Stay alert for distracted drivers or sudden changes in traffic patterns. Do not take photos while driving. Turn headlights on when appropriate to do so.
Park Safely
If you are driving to a viewing spot, park your vehicle in a safe and legal manner. Avoid blocking traffic or emergency access routes.
Use Proper Eye Protection
Staring at the sun during an eclipse can cause eye damage. When viewing an eclipse, it is recommended that you wear proper eye protection and avoid looking at it for long periods of time.
We hope everyone enjoys experiencing this rare event.
Together a safe, secure, healthy community
For more news, visit Saint John Police Force | City of Saint John, New Brunswick