Traffic Campaigns 2023

The Saint John Police are pleased to announce our annual Traffic Campaigns for 2023.

Our annual Traffic Campaigns are one of many initiatives tied to our Community Engagement Plan. Community Engagement is one of the top 5 priorities of our 2021-2026 Strategic Plan.

These campaigns focus on educating drivers about the dangers of speeding, dangerous driving, distracted driving, and impaired driving. Additionally, the campaigns promote the use of seatbelts and the importance of following traffic laws.

According to latest Statistics from Stats Canada (2021), distracted driving was a contributing factor in 19.7% of fatal collisions, speeding contributed to 24.7%, and Impaired driving contributed to 18.4%. Not wearing seatbelts resulted 33.2% of fatalities for drivers, 39.2% for their passengers.

The Saint John Police hopes these campaigns will help reduce road fatalities and ensure the safety of drivers.

For a full list of the 2023 Traffic Campaigns, please visit: https://saintjohnpolice.ca/community/community-engagement/traffic-campaigns/

Together a safe, secure, healthy community

For more news, visit Saint John Police Force | City of Saint John, New Brunswick