Emergency: 9-1-1
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Public Safety Communications Center (PSCC)

The Public Safety Communications Center (PSCC) is a critical part of the Saint John Police operations. It is responsible for providing emergency and non-emergency call-taking and dispatching services.

The center is staffed by highly trained and experienced operators who are responsible for quickly and accurately responding to emergency and non-emergency calls and dispatching the appropriate resources. The center is an invaluable asset to the Saint John Police and is essential for keeping the community safe.

In addition to the Saint John Police, the PSCC is a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) for the Province of New Brunswick responsible for answering 911 calls regionally from St. Stephen to Sussex.  Additionally, they provide emergency and non-emergency call taking and dispatching services for the Saint John Fire Department and 36 other fire departments between St. Stephen and Sussex.
