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Pay a Ticket

Tickets issued under the Provincial Offences and Procedures Act (POPA) of New Brunswick

Tickets issued under the Provincial Offences and Procedures Act (POPA) of New Brunswick (e,g., tickets issued for Liquor, ATV or Motor Vehicle infractions such as speeding, registration, or seatbelt violations) may be paid at You will need to have a copy of your POPA ticket when you make your payment, as you will be required to provide several pieces of information located on the original ticket, such as the ticket number, officer number and exact amount of the payment due.  If you do not have a copy of your ticket, you can call 648-3200 for assistance.

Parking Tickets

For information on Parking Tickets and Enforcement, including how to pay a parking ticket or how to request a parking ticket review, please visit the City of Saint John Tickets and Enforcement page at Tickets and Enforcement | City of Saint John, New Brunswick.

Unpaid Parking Tickets

  • If payment for over due parking tickets has not been received by the ex-parte hearing date, a ticket can either be sent to warrant in the case of parking meter tickets where the person may be arrested or in the case of a Traffic Ticket, a notice of default may be issued and his/her driver’s license suspended.
  • Unpaid Traffic Tickets that have gone to Notice of Default must be paid at the Provincial Department of Motor Vehicle or Service N.B. office.
  • Unpaid Parking Meter Tickets that have gone to warrant must be paid at the Provincial Court Office, 10 Peel Plaza, Saint John, New Brunswick. Police have the authority to place any person under arrest who has not paid their outstanding parking meter ticket warrants. The person who is picked up by the police officer for an outstanding warrant will be taken to the Saint John Regional Correctional Centre to either make a payment or payments or to serve jail time.

Auxiliary Police Program - Recruitment Information Session

When?:  Monday, January 27, 2025 at 6:00 p.m.
Where?:  Saint John Police Community Room at 1 Peel Plaza
What?:  Information on how to join our volunteer Auxiliary Police Program including application requirements, the recruitment process, and training program